As opposed to church committees which are involved in the running of Immanuel (see ‘Who we are’) there are a number of organisations that normally meet each week and which are part of the fellowship at Immanuel.
In recent years some of the clubs and societies that use our premises have been in abeyance but these normally meet:
Praying Together meets from 2.00pm on Thursdays in the small lounge and would be delighted to see new people with their own ideas for praying together. Please join us if you wish. The meetings are very informal and last about 45 minutes; you would be very welcome to join them.
The current world situation certainly needs us to be praying together.
Immanuel Dramatic Society This club meets on Tuesday evenings 7.30pm -10.00pm. Its activities include rehearsing and performing an annual pantomime, a dramatic service in the church at Eastertime and when possible a summer play or concert. The club also gives concerts at retired folks’ homes at various times throughout the year. There is an annual subscription of £5 for adults but there is a concessionary rate for retired, unemployed and under 18s.
Social Club Wednesday evenings 7.00 pm – 10.00 pm is the time for our Social Club. The more agile and athletic of our members play badminton in the hall. A small charge is levied for badminton players (50p per week to cover the cost of replacement shuttlecocks)
10 o’clock Club meets on Thursday mornings from 10.00am to 11.30am. With a crèche for young children here is an excellent opportunity for young mums and dads to enjoy a gentle game of badminton in the hall or chat over tea or coffee in the garden room. There is a payment of £1.50 for each session.
The Retired Folks Badminton Group offers an afternoon of gentle badminton, tea and a chat. It runs on Thursday afternoons 1.30pm – 3.15pm and is open to men and women. More members are always welcome.
Our Flower Arrangers are a dedicated team who ensure that week by week the church is decorated with beautiful arrangements. The ten volunteers serve on a rota (there is always room more!) to arrange flowers that are paid for by members of the congregation. Following the Sunday services, these are then taken out by a team of Flower Distributors to those who are ill, unable to get to church or simply to say ‘thank you’.